
Impression Guides
If you're interested in reenacting but don't know how to start putting your impression together, we're happy to help! Click on the impression you're interested in to find out more about what gear you'll need, then head down on this page to our list of recommended suppliers to start building your impression! (Impression guides coming soon)
STOP! Before you buy...
If you're new to reenacting, check with us to see what loaner gear we have! You can try before you buy.
If you're unsure about a piece of gear you're planning to buy, run it past us first! You can send us an email at arizonacivilwarcouncil@gmail.com.
Just send us a picture of the item, and we'll let you know if it's historically accurate.

Authenticity Standards
We strive for period a period accurate experience for ourselves and especially for spectators. Men and women are expected to be in period attire, but we do make exceptions for medical conditions and equipment. Our rules and regulations state the following specifics: Men and women must have tops and bottoms of correct pattern and material, footwear must be period correct in at least appearance, and eyewear must be the size that existed during the 1860's.
As far as camping authenticity is concerned, if you're going to camp out, make sure you have a period-correct A-frame tent. You can absolutely bring farby (non-period) gear and food, but make sure it stays out of sight in your tent or car! You'd be surprised how creative reenactors get at hiding farby gear under canvas bags and in wooden boxes.

Getting Ready For The Reenacting Season
Here are some suggestions to reenactors to get ready for the new reenacting season:
Recommended Suppliers
It can be tricky to find period reproduction gear, especially if you're just starting out, so we'd like to help! Here’s a list of suppliers to help you get all the gear you need to start you on your way! P.S., a lot of this makes great camping gear, period or otherwise!